Added: 7/6/18
Question: Problems with “Economy Draw Plates”
I bought an ‘economy’ set of draw plates on Amazon. They are drilled inconsistently, for one, but they also shave metal from the wire being drawn. It wasn’t even a tight fit for the draw. I might have been drawing up a half or quarter size, starting with ds 20g .999 silver wire, and I did use a lubricant plus the plate was dripping oil from the start. I don’t remember hearing that this should happen. Can you please tell me if this is normal? It doesn’t seem right, but I want to be sure I don’t return a functional item if it happens again just because I don’t know my sh…stuff. These are going back. I’ll order from RG. I mean, the wire is the definitely thinner now, but…. (eye roll). I’d appreciate any advice on this. I watched your video twice and didn’t notice that happening.
I’ve haven’t bought plates on Amazon. Although, the “dripping with oil” thing is normal for tools shipped overseas. I bet the rust was caused before shipping and then they just drowned the tool in oil to ship it. You can soak the plate in turpentine and then wipe dry. That might help to remove some of the oil. I like a liquid lubricant like Nyoil for drawing wire.
Tungsten steel plates are being touted as the next best thing but, from the reviews, on the tool sold on Amazon, the inserts pop out. I don’t know if this is true for all manufacturers of this product – actually, I would doubt it was but, I just don’t know.