
5 thoughts on “Decimals”

  1. Hi Nancy LT Hamilton (love the name!)

    I’m a recent convert to you, your style, and your instructional videos.
    Do you have a comparison chart for jump rings? I’m interested in
    knowing what (for example) a 20 g 1/16″ ID jump ring would convert to in mm’s…and what (for example) an 18g 1/4″ OD ring would convert to in mm’s and what the ID would be.

    Any chance you have such a chart???

  2. Hi Bernita, The decimal chart is not for rivets – it’s just for when ordering sheet metal or tubing or for other conversion issues. The Drill Bit Chart is the one that I use for riveting as it helps me to determine what size drill bit to use ie: what size bit to use with 14 gauge wire. Hope that helps! Thanks so much for watching. N

  3. how do you use this chart in relation to drilling a hole for riveting.
    i love your videos. they are very helpful and fun to watch. keep’em coming;)

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