Last updated: 8/20/21
Author, Nancy LT Hamilton
I just love art supplies. I have self-banned from shopping at any of the following stores due to my art supply hoard! But, you can shop and I can (vicariously) shop too! Enjoy.
Alcohol Inks

Colored Pencils

- Amazon Faber-Castell
- Amazon Prismacolor – my favorite
Cosplay Supplies
- Amazon Cosplay Supplies
- Arda Wigs
- Dick Blick – Cosplay Supplies
- Etsy – Cosplay Supplies
- Kamui Cosplay
- Red Moon Cosplay Solutions
Craft Supplies

Enameling Supplies
Easy Enameled Flowers – on my YouTube Channel
Epoxies and Sculpting Pastes
- Amazon Golden Gesso – I prefer the Golden brand.
- Amazon Magic Sculpt
- Aves – Maker of a very cool two-part paste called: Apoxie Paste – that is workable with water (for smoothing and thinning) for about 40 minutes, still flexible for about 1hr. Eventually, it hardens to rock hard. Great for sculpting. It’s also an adhesive medium. Takes paint wet or dry. Aves also carries other fabulous products.
- Gesso can be found at any of the art supply vendors mentioned in this post, Michael’s, Dick Blick, Hobby Lobby, Amazon, etc.
- Kroma Artist’s Acrylics – Nice paints, mediums (no not the spiritual kind silly), and a very cool product called Kroma Crackle Medium. Here’s some of what this product can produce:
Coloring Metal – on my YouTube Channel!
Glass/Lens Suppliers

- 32° North. Clear, German Glass Glitter.
- Amazon. Glass Glitter
- Blue Fire Molds – Glass Slumping Molds & Supplies
- Delphi Glass – Fusing Molds & Supplies
- G-S Supplies. “Specialty glass for Jewelry Designers”. They produce custom glass and plastic.
- Edmund Optics – supplier of lenses and other cool stuff. I’ve ordered their lens grab bag of lenses. The bag costs about $8.00 and you get 20 lenses in varying sizes. Some small, others a little larger – all useful for assemblage art as well as jewelry.
- UST Glass – glass tubing, rods, sheet, and more.
Glass & Porcelain Paint

Lampworking Supplies

- Amazon – Lampworking Supplies
- The Crucible
- Glass Alchemy
- Lampwork Supply
- Northstar Glassworks
- Wale apparatus
Metal Clay Supplies

Model-Making Supplies & More
- Amazon – Model-Making Supplies
- Dick Blick. Art supplies, model-making supplies, etc.
- Model-making supplies, small tools.
- Micro-Mark. Model-making supplies, small hand tools, small power tools, Cosplay supplies.
- Amazon – Acrylic and other paints and supplies.
- Amazon – Golden brand
- Dick Blick – my favorite paint is Golden brand
Patinas and Metal Finishes
Polymer Clay
- Amazon – Dupli.Color Engine Enamel with Ceramic
- Amazon – Krylon or Rustoleum Crystal-Clear
- Amazon – Minwax, Water-based Polycrylic
- Amazon – Modge Podge
- Sculpt Nouveau Ever Clear
For Colored Pencils, pastels, etc.
- Amazon – fixatives
- Dick Blick – Brush and Pencil Final Fixative
- Dick Blick – Brush and Pencil Textured Fixative
Stained Glass
- Artistry in Glass – Stained Glass & Supplies
- Delphi glass – Stained Glass & Supplies
- Franklin Art Glass – Stained Glass & Supplies
Stained Glass Jewels
- Artistry in Glass – Smooth & Faceted Jewels
- Delphi Glass – Faceted Jewels
- Franklin Art Glass Studios – Jewels, Bevels & More

- Amazon, double-sided tape sheets – I love, love for design layout.
- Amazon, Joe’s Sticky Stuff
Textile & Fiber Arts
- Dharma Trading Company
- Dick Blick
- Fiber Artist Supply
- Mielke’s Fiber Arts
- Mondaes Maker Space & Supply
- Sarafina Fiber Arts
- The Woolery