All items with quotes are quoted from the site discussed.
Last updated: 3/13/21
Nancy LT Hamilton
The Links
Abana – The Artists-Blacksmiths Association of North America – “ABANA is dedicated to perpetuating the noble art of blacksmithing. A blacksmith is one who shapes and forges iron with hammer and anvil. ABANA encourages and facilitates the training of blacksmiths; disseminates information about sources of material and equipment; exposes the art of blacksmithing to the public; serves as a center of information about blacksmithing for the general public, architects, interior designers, and other interested parties.”
Accessories Council – “The Accessories Council sponsors educational seminars, networking events, seasonal trend reports, marketing & advertising co-op initiatives, design & marketing awards for area fashion students, our exciting annual silent auction, social media events, and the esteemed black tie ACE Award Gala, an annual tribute to the leaders of the accessory industry.”
Alberta Craft Council – “The Alberta Craft Council (ACC) recognizes that contemporary and heritage craft arts provide a true reflection of Alberta’s culture. From our diverse landscapes, and rich natural resources to world-class educational opportunities in art and design, Alberta nurtures the very best in creative inspiration and talent and with Alberta’s craft art scene thriving with exceptional artists creating original and distinctive fine craft, the ACC is proud to represent the very best in clay, wood, metal, fiber, stone, and glass.”
American Craft Council – “The American Craft Council (ACC) is a national, nonprofit educational organization founded in 1943 by Aileen Osborn Webb. With a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of contemporary American craft, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of the many gifted artists today who are working with a variety of materials.”
American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) – “AGTA has blossomed to become a leading industry force in the ethical promotion of natural colored gemstones and cultured pearls.”
American Jewelry Design Council – “The American Jewelry Design Council is a non-profit educational corporation, which recognizes and promotes the appreciation of original jewelry design as art. AJDC is committed to raising the awareness of the jewelry industry, the art community, the media and the consumer about the aesthetic value of artistic fine jewelry.”
American Society of Jewelry Historians – “The American Society of Jewelry Historians is proud to celebrate our 28th year as the nation’s pre-eminent jewelry organization. Thank you for your continued support over these past years and our all-volunteer board is committed to setting the industry’s benchmark for quality programming and jewelry research.”
Arizona Designer Craftsmen – “Arizona Designer Craftsman is committed to foster and advance contemporary crafts-related activities in Arizona
We Achieve this through
- Education
- The development of public awareness of high quality craft work
- Encouragement of high standards of design and workmanship
- Experimentation in new materials and techniques
- Encouraging and fostering the sale of works of art by individual members”
Art Jewelry Forum – “Art Jewelry Forum (AJF) is a non-profit organization established in 1997 to advocate for the field of contemporary art jewelry. We do so through education, discourse, appreciation, and support for the field. Our goal is to: Create opportunities for members and a broader audience (within and outside the field) to build knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of contemporary art jewelry. We do this by: Organizing programs that provide financial support to contemporary art jewelers, exhibitions, publications and writers in the field of contemporary art jewelry. Establishing platforms (including website, blog, newsletter, events, and publications) that encourage discourse about contemporary art jewelry. Forming alliances with other organizations to further the mission of AJF.”
Artists in Canada – “Find Artists, Art Galleries and Art Resources in your area or across Canada. We feature our Artist members who are disciplined in painting in oil, acrylic and drawing to digital photography, clay, ceramic, stone carving, printmaking, and sculpture. Thousands of Canadian Artists market their websites and artwork on Artists in Canada and pay no commissions, so feel free to contact the artist direct.”
ArtMetal – “ArtMetal provides an environment for anyone interested in the metal arts to fulfill their desires. ArtMetal provides an Internet social networking community where artisans, academics, art lovers, and the general public can experience and share this outstanding medium within a community environment. At ArtMetal, a collaboration of craftspeople from all metal disciplines creates an exciting environment for innovative self-expression and discovery.”
Association for Contemporary Jewellery-UK – “What we do:
• promote greater understanding of contemporary jewelry
• support jewelers’ creative and professional development
• develop audiences for this lively field of contemporary craft and design”Australia Council for the Arts – “The Australia Council’s strategic plan reflects our desire to make more visible the vitality of our arts and culture and to recognize the evolving way that Australians make and experience art. Our role is to support the unimagined along with the reimagined, the unknown and experimental along with the keenly anticipated.”
British Jeweller’s Association – “The British Jewellers’ Association is the national trade association which promotes and protects the growth and prosperity of UK jewelry and silverware suppliers. With over 1000 member companies, BJA represents manufacturers, bullion suppliers, casting houses, diamond and gem dealers, designer jewelers, silversmiths, craftsmen and women, equipment suppliers, wholesalers, galleries, internet retailers and traders.”
British Society of Enamellers – “BSoE exists to promote its members’ work, publish relevant, informative and interesting news and information, stages exhibitions of members’ works and aims to increase appreciation of the art of enameling.”
Chimera Arts – “Chimera is a community art and maker space in Sebastopol, California. We’re a diverse group of artists, makers, hackers and inventors who share a common desire to create, share and learn from each other.” Jewelry studio and community.
CIBJO – “CIBJO is an international confederation of national jewelry trade organizations.CIBJO’s purpose is to encourage harmonization, promote international cooperation in the jewelry industry, and to consider issues which concern the trade worldwide. Foremost among these is to protect consumer confidence in the industry.”
Colorado Metalsmithing Association – “CoMA, established in 1994, is a fine arts organization whose goal is to involve its members in a statewide exchange of creative and technical knowledge about the art of metalsmithing. Since then our membership has expanded throughout the United States. Our membership includes jewelers, sculptors, blacksmiths, knifemakers and other professionals interested in supporting the metal arts. We believe in continuing education and hold a number of workshops throughout the year, host several member shows, and organize an annual conference.”
Copper Development Association – They have a lot of copper resources on their site. “The Copper Development Association Inc. is the market development, engineering and information services arm of the copper industry, chartered to enhance and expand markets for copper and its alloys in North America. Membership in CDA is open to copper producers worldwide and to the brass mill, wire mill and foundry fabricators of copper and copper alloys with production facilities in the USA.”
Council of Quebec Craft – Canada. “Our mandate: support professional artisans in the exercise of their profession so that they can live with dignity in their passion. Our objectives:
- promote and defend the moral and socio-economic interests of crafts, workshops and crafts sector;
- artisans offer services to develop and promote the quality and excellence of the production crafts; market the products of Crafts in Quebec and abroad.”
Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador – “The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador is a member-based organization that works to maximize the artistic and economic potential of the craft community of the province.”
Craft Council, Victoria, UK – “Our goal
- To make the UK the best place to make, see, collect and learn about contemporary craft
Our aims
- To build a strong economy and infrastructure for contemporary craft
- To increase and diversify the audience for contemporary craft
- To champion high-quality contemporary craft practice nationally and internationally.”
Craft Guild of Dallas – “The Craft Guild was founded in 1948 to provide instruction and studios for artists and craftspersons, to raise the standards of craftsmanship and design by offering exhibitions and competitive show opportunities, and to stimulate interest in the fine arts and crafts through community outreach. The Craft Guild operates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and derives its funding from annual dues, tuition for classes and workshops, as well as generous donations. Membership is open to the public.
- To maintain and promote continuity of the traditional and historic skills & techniques associated with each craft.
- To set up shops for silver, ceramics and other the crafts requiring laboratories and obtain good teachers to staff them.
- To sponsor and promote competitive shows.”
Craft Scotland – “Craft Scotland is a registered Scottish charity and the national agency for craft.
We work to unite, inspire and champion craft through creating opportunities for makers in Scotland to practice, exhibit, sell and promote their craft, and for audiences to see, purchase and learn about craft. We lobby for craft as an essential and integral part of our cultural, economic and social life and work in partnership with other like-minded agencies. We are a central point of information about craft in Scotland and identify and create new activities to build awareness and understanding of craft. We are a charity supported by Creative Scotland.”
Creative Metal Arts Guild of Oregon – “The Creative Metal Arts Guild, or CMAG for short, is a nonprofit organization that strives to offer opportunity, camaraderie, and technical support to members of the metal arts community in the greater Portland, Oregon area and beyond. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the creative metal arts. Members are jewelry designers and manufacturers, metalsmiths producing sculpture and hollowware, blacksmiths, teachers, stone dealers, gemologists and suppliers to the field. Students and serious hobbyists are also welcome to join.”
Danish Crafts Association – “Danish Crafts is an association for the professional, creative craftsmen and designers. The association was founded in 1976 and has more than 500 members. The association aims:
– to work for artistic and artisanal development of Danish crafts
– to work for members’ professional and business interests
– to work for the improvement of craftsmen working and living conditions
– to spread the knowledge and use of artisans and their work in all parts of society
– to strengthen and coordinate craft area in order to create understanding and recognition of crafts as a cultural factor.”Design & Craft Council of Ireland – “Our vision is that Irish design and craft is recognized and valued worldwide for its excellence in craftsmanship, innovation, and marketing. Our mission is to promote and stimulate the creative and commercial potential of Irish design and craft and to work in collaboration with strategic partners in the ongoing development and growth of the sector. We provide a range of programmes, supports, and services for designers and craftspeople, learners and teachers, retailers and gallerists, shoppers and collectors, media and partner organizations in order to raise the standard and profile of Irish design and craft. Our activities are funded by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation via Enterprise Ireland.”
Designer’s Jewelry Group, UK – “The Designer Jewellers Group was founded in 1975 as a cooperative which promotes the work of its members. The individuality of design and professional craftsmanship are its hallmarks, bringing together an exciting diversity of styles in contemporary jewelry. All members are designer-makers, working in precious metals, gemstones, carved hardwoods, Perspex, polypropylene and textiles, and using a vast array of techniques. They are often commissioned to make bespoke items or pieces for special projects.”
The Enamelists Society – “The Enamelist Society, Inc. is a volunteer arts organization founded in 1987 for the purpose of promoting the art of enameling…The Society distributes a quarterly newsletter to its membership and has an online newsletter called FuseNews. It maintains a lending library of both enamel-related literature and images. The Society also grants money on a yearly basis to further the promotion and practice of the medium.”
Ethical Metalsmiths – “Ethical Metalsmiths is committed to lead jewelers and consumers in becoming informed activists for responsible mining, sustainable economic development and verified, ethical sources for gold, diamonds and other materials used for jewelry. Ethical Metalsmiths’ vision is a world in which people can create and enjoy jewelry made with materials from responsible sources that respect and protect the earth, its peoples, and cultures.”
- The Finnish Goldsmiths Association – “The Finnish Goldsmith Association is an organization for goldsmiths established in 1905. Its aim is to raise the professional skills of its members and look after their professional, financial and social interests. In addition, the function of the association is to advance a good team spirit and a feeling of togetherness among its members.”
The Guild of Metalsmiths – “The Guild of Metalsmiths strives to preserve and pass on the knowledge, art, and skills of working metal including blacksmithing, bladesmithing, machining, and foundry work among many other techniques. We share this information and our passion for metalsmithing with the public and maintain this website to further our goal of sharing our knowledge with others.”
Hawai’i Craftsmen – “Hawai’i Craftsmen was founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting fine craft in the art community of Hawai’i. We function through the help of our dedicated board members who contribute on a volunteer basis. Through our long-established series of programs and events, we aim to bring craftspeople of all ages and skill levels together to learn and share the benefits of creating. Our members work in a variety of mediums, including, but not limited to, clay, metal, fiber, wood and mixed media. Membership benefits include special rates on workshops and entry fees for exhibits.”
Houston Metal Arts Guild – “The Houston Metal Arts Guild, Inc. is a non-profit organization made up of people with varying interests and involvement in traditional and contemporary jewelry and metal arts. The Guild was founded to provide for the exchange of ideas and information, as well as offer affordable educational opportunities to its members and the public. Our activities include a bimonthly newsletter, exhibitions and a series of aesthetic, technical and business workshops/lectures. The skills, energy, and enthusiasm of the Houston Metals Arts Guild, Inc. members promote and sustain its successful programs. We welcome and encourage participation by everyone.”
IACA – Indian Arts and Crafts Association – “The Indian Arts and Crafts Association was established in 1974 in response to the growing problem of misrepresentation of American Indian arts and crafts in the marketplace. The original founders were American Indian artists and reputable businesses located primarily in the Southwest. Today, IACA is an international organization representing every link in American Indian arts – Native artists from the U.S. and Canada, along with consumers, retailers, wholesalers, museums, government agencies, suppliers and supporting members.”
Institut National de Gemmologie – “Since 2007, when its integration within the EAC Group, ING (international leader in francophone education) has developed its training offer in the field of luxury and all professions related to gemology, jewelry and ancient Modern watches, diamonds, gems and expertise of luxury trade, whether in the context of short modules (one day a week) to suit the company’s life or that of degree programs, longer.”
The Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia, NSW (JMGA-NSW Inc.) – “The Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia, NSW (JMGA-NSW Inc.) is a membership-based organization, representing jewelry and object practitioners throughout New South Wales. As a volunteer non-profit organization, we provide a forum to promote, support and develop the field of contemporary jewelry.”
Mendocino Arts Center – “the Art Center is a highly regarded artistic and educational institution offering over 200 retreat-style classes each year in ceramics, fiber arts, fine arts, jewelry, and sculpture.”
Metal Arts Guild, San Francisco – “The Metal Arts Guild of The Bay Area, a non-profit organization, focuses on promoting the recognition of metalwork as an art form and offering Bay Area jewelers and metal artists a network of information, education, and support.”
Metal Arts Society of Southern California – “To serve the needs and interests of artists and designers who are engaged in making craft work by providing an exchange of information on such issues as producing, teaching, exhibiting, and marketing.”
Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council – “The Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (NLAC) is a non-profit Crown agency created in 1980 by The Arts Council Act. Its mission is to foster and promote the creation and enjoyment of the arts for the benefit of all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. The NLAC receives an annual grant from the Province to support a variety of granting programs, office administration, and communications. It also seeks support from the public and private sectors. It supports the following artistic disciplines: dance, film, multidiscipline, music, theatre, visual art, and writing.”
Seattle Metals Guild – “The Seattle Metals Guild sponsors and produces workshops in the field of jewelry and metalsmithing as well as other related subjects. Our mission is to supply excellent instruction and quality content in specialized areas of interest to our membership and the metals community in and around the Seattle area.”
Sebastopol Center for the Arts – “As a Regional Art Center, the Sebastopol Center for the Arts is one of the most vibrant arts organizations in Sonoma County, and in Northern California. We present exhibits, performances, classes, and events, in the visual, performing, literary and film arts – it means there’s always something happening at our Center.”
Society of American Silversmiths – “The Society of American Silversmiths is the go-to resource for anything related to the art and craft of silversmithing….dedicated to the preservation and promotion of silversmithing.”
Society for Midwest Metalsmiths – “SMM is a non-profit metalsmithing organization established to promote, develop, educate and encourage individuals who are interested in metals, silversmithing, goldsmithing, metalsmithing workshops, and jewelry workshops.”
SNAG – Society of North American Goldsmiths – “SNAG supports and advances the professional practice of artists, designers, jewelers, and metalsmiths.” Snag also puts out a great magazine: Metalsmith.
The Washington Guild of Goldsmiths – “The Guild is a cooperative association whose members’ skills, energy and enthusiasm promote its successful programs. We welcome new members who share our goals.”